Strength and Conditioning
“Strength is Conditioning” “Strength is never a weakness, weakness is never a strength.” Our strength and conditioning programs follow periodized and progressive cycles that attack weakness in techniques, posture, and movement patterns. We focus on basic fundamental movements early on and move to more advanced movements as the athlete progresses. “KISS METHOD” (keep it simple, stupid). You won't see any bosu-ball split snatches in our programming.

Program details:
45-60 minute sessions 4-5 days / week
4-8 week cycles
Increase strength, power, muscular endurance
Build upon simple movements that have tremendous carryover to strength
Coaching Plans
Here are your options to train with Real Performance Methods. Our monthly subscription is a great way to get started. We use proven programming that delivers consistent results to our members. If you would like a more personalized program, see our Remote Coaching page and connect with us.